Powerful Programs

UNDEFINED -The Human Design For Coaching Program

Transform your chosen work by learning how to powerfully and effectively coach individuals using the revolutionary tool of Human Design. As a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, Chinese I-Ching, the Chakra system and the Kabbalah Tree of Life, Human Design has removed the guesswork and has allowed people to understand who they are designed to be at a core level.

This six month program, taught by Ameenah Asante, is designed to give you a strong foundational knowledge of Human Design as a tool coupled with best coaching practices, all while harnessing your own intuitive gifts and abilities in your unique life’s work.


Human Design is a system that creates a unique map of an individual's energy. In the Human Design for Coaching program, participants learn how to use this system as a coaching tool to help clients gain clarity about their purpose, make decisions in alignment with their true nature, and live more fulfilling lives.

 Volume 1a & 1b of the Human Design for Coaching Program:

Volume 1a:

  • Introduction to Human Design: History, philosophy, and basic concepts

  • The Five Types: strategies and decision-making authorities for each type

  • Centers: how they influence our energy, emotions, and behavior

  • Profiles: understanding your unique combination of archetypes

  • Incarnation Cross: discovering your life purpose and potential

  • Conditioning: how past experiences shape our beliefs and behaviors

Volume 1b:

  • Advanced Chart Interpretation: Exploring gates

  • Advanced Chart Interpretation: Exploring channels

  • Transits & Cycles: Understanding the impact of planetary movements on human design

  • Chart Interpretation: Using charts to guide coaching sessions

  • Refining Coaching Skills through One on One Sessions with Three Clients

In Volume 1a, students will gain a solid foundation in Human Design theory and learn how to interpret charts to guide clients towards better decision-making. In Volume 1b, students will delve deeper into advanced chart interpretation techniques and explore practical applications of Human Design in different areas of coaching. By completing both levels of the program, students will have gained a comprehensive understanding of Human Design principles and developed the skills necessary to become effective coaches.

Structure & Format

One of the standout features of the Human Design for Coaching program is the weekly calls that provide participants with an introduction to new topics, ongoing support and guidance. During these calls, learners have the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback on their coaching practice. In addition, the program includes homework assignments that help participants deepen their understanding of Human Design and develop their coaching skills. The combination of live calls and homework assignments ensures that participants are able to fully integrate the material into their coaching practice and provide effective guidance to clients based on their unique energy blueprint.

  • Weekly Topic Discussions & Q&A

  • Unlimited Access to Recordings

  • Homework & Readings

  • Live In-Class Coaching

  • Real World Coaching Practice with 3 Clients

If you're looking to take your life’s work to the next level, the Human Design for Coaching program is an excellent opportunity to do just that. This comprehensive training course will provide you with a deep understanding of the Human Design system and how it can be used as a powerful coaching tool. By learning how to interpret charts for clients based on their unique energy blueprint, you'll be able to provide them with invaluable insights into their true nature and help them achieve greater self-awareness and alignment. With ongoing support and guidance from Ameenah Asante, this program is an opportunity not to be missed for anyone looking to enhance their coaching skills and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others. So why wait? Join us today and start your journey towards becoming highly skilled in your use of Human Design for Coaching!

Spaces are Limited.

Payment Information

Option 1 - Pay in Full: $2995

Option 2 - Payment Plan: $3995 Total (4 Monthly Payments of $998)

Option 3 - *Private VIP Coaching Format: (*Only 5 Spaces Available, Prior Approval Required)

About *The Private VIP Coaching Format

If you're looking for a more personalized learning experience through this program, the Private VIP option is perfect for you! With this package, you'll have direct access to me in three one on one private coaching sessions, and text and phone communication during the six months, allowing you to accelerate your learning and get the most out of the program. As your personal tutor and guide, I'll be available to answer any questions you may have about the materials, your design, or readings you're conducting. On top of that, you'll receive an in-depth one-on-one reading of your chart by me, helping you gain a deeper understanding of who you truly are and how to reach your full potential. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your knowledge of Human Design to the next level with personalized guidance from an experienced teacher!

Blueprint Mastermind & Coaching Program

This one year program takes you on a unique and in-depth journey of self discovery via Human Design, examining each important pillar in your life.

Pillars: Love & Relationships, Career & Entrepreneurship, Money, Health & Wellbeing, Sacred Sexuality, Friendship, Self-Love and Spirituality.

This program is only available for attendees of

Soul Blueprint LIVE.

Join us September 22nd-24th, 2023, to join Cohort 6!